How to make a simple hydroponic system:
These are the materials you need:
Bottle, Bottle cap, Hole saw, Net cup, light source, plant.
1. Get a net cup and put it in the center of the bottle cap. Then trace around it with a pen. Put the bottle cap back on the bottle.
2. Get a hole saw and a drill a hole the same size as the net cup.
3. Get out the same net cup and put it in the drilled hole.
4. Put a plant into the net cup.
5. Water the plant until the water is just below the net cup.
6. Put the bottle next to a sunny window.
7. Refill the bottle when there is no water left.
The hardest part was looking online for videos that show the easiest hydroponic system and putting it into my own words.
what was the hardest part for you to make it??
a that is a really good hydroponics system linky and i love your font