
Friday, August 23, 2019

Lincoln Division

Walt: We are learning how to use Division in maths 

Reflection: It was hard getting 54 bananas in my slide.

Question: Can you use Division in maths? What would use to help you learn more about Division?

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Te Mana Huruhuru O Te Kura O Paparore

Passionate, Proud, Learning, Values, Excellence, Respect, Positive, 
Division, Read, Description, Vocab, Writing,   
Curious, Inquiring, Excellence / Hiranga, 
Confident, Able, Represent, Eager, Think, 
Diversity, Kaitiaki, Cultural, Artistic, Humble, 
Positive, Resilient, RereKetanga, Take risks, 
Values, Respect, Community, Whanau, Sport, 
Tuakana-Teina, Role Model, Leadder,  
Empathy, Aroha, Integrity, Honest, Fun, Smile 
Respect, Environment, Kaitiakitanga, Look after, Future, 
Community, National, Contribute, Sharing, Caring,
Technology, Chromebook, Ipad,

          Te Mana Huruhuru O Te Kura O Paparore

On Wednesday Mr Masters chose to make some kuaka. So Mr Masters gave us some colouring feathers to colour in and write some good Value words. It was fun starting to write good value words because I could use bubble letter and block letter writing. Once I finished I didn't know about the colouring so when Mr Master told me I was annoyed but still happily did it. Once I finished colouring he gave me another lot of coloring feathers. Did the same thing and coloured in. Once I finished 22 feathers altogether I had to cut them out. In my head I was dead but inside I knew I needed to finish the kuaka. Because if i didn’t want to stay in at lunch and finish the work. I started to cut. I was cutting so slow. So I started begging Tianah to help me cut. ‘Fine’. Yes my begging worked. We cut for ages. Once we finished cutting I went to Mr Masters and said ‘ finished’ he told me to go to wheaea kelly so I did. We glued together a kuaka. But before I finished I had to do more colouring. I coloured the kuaka in and wheaea kelly cut it out. Finished Yay! I just had to put my kuaka on the wall. ‘Where should I put it?’. I put it on the wall and finished.

Question: Would you like this work? If so what part?

Reflection: I didn't like this work because I had to cut out so many feathers

WhiteBait Connection Part 2ooooooo

Walt: We are learning to be kaitiaki in our community.

Day 2 WhiteBait connection   

30th of July 2019 My class and I visited WhiteBait Connection again. Nina Was the one teaching us. We learnt how to identify fish pests and plant pests. Is a plant called the oxygen plant. It takes all the dissolved air away from the fish so then the fish can't eat and then they will die. We also found out what tools we can use to see how healthy the dune lake is. You can use a Thermometer, A fish trap, (if there are pests) and more. Before we go to have a look at them we got given groups. In my group was Me, (leader) Mia, Reo and Tristan.

Question: What do you think WhiteBait Connection is now?
Reflection: It was fun being a Leader because I like being bossy.

WhiteBait Connection Part 1nnnnnnn

Walt: We are learning about WhiteBait

 WhiteBait Connection/ Questions

Fishing, Dogs, Sharing, Water, Fishing in a bucket, WhiteBait,

What Temperature does a plant need to survive in a dune lake?

Where does a dune lake live?

When was Whitebait discovered?

Who Dirties the dune lakes?

Why do we care about dune lakes?

How can I help?

Day 1 WhiteBait Connection / Reflection

29th of July 2019 My class and I went to Whitebait Connection. A laddie named Nina talked to us about WhiteBait Connection. I found it interesting that when we had to learn about the water cycle. It evaporates into the clouds and when the clouds are too heavy they power down showering the hill’s, ocean’s, lakes and dirt. I really liked the part when we got given jars to put in a clean bowl of water. There are different types of water, Like roads, Rain water, Sewers, Toilet paper, Orange peels and more. After we dipped all of these items into the clean water it looked like dirty poo with dog vomit, with disgusting gone off pippies.

Question: What do you think WhiteBait Connection is?
Reflection: It was fun dirtying the clean bowl of water.